Well, I made it to Africa!! Didn't get lost in the airport or lose any luggage or have anything else bad happen!
So I'm sharing a room with nine other girls! That should be interesting! So I have the top bunk in the back of the room. I like it, it's nice and comfortible! I do find it a little interesting though were the sprinkeler head is. While it is not directly over my bed, it's still close enough that you can still see it when you close the curtain. Which means, you'll all be happy to know that if there is a fire in the middle of the night, I will be the first to drown!
We started work today. I'm in the dining room, so today, starting right after lunch. Normally I'll be doing morning as well, but it is our first full day here, so they're starting us slow. I was put in charge of washing silverware and cups. First you spread the silverware across the tray and the cups, all facing down in the the next. Then you put the silverware tray on top of the cup tray. After you have finished wiping all the nasty slimy junk off your hands, you slide the trays into this strange thing that looks like it escaped from a science fiction movie, and pull down the top part. It slams into place and the machine starts. Once that is done, you pull everything out.
Rememeber how the only way to kill germs well is with HOT water? And that the metal, strangly enough, becomes HOT? That means that as you are trying to sort the things, you do a whole bunch of 'OW! OW! OW!' Hiss of pain 'OW!' till the silverware has finished cooling. Either that or you're done.
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