So today I discovered that working in the dining room poses the ocupational hazard of accidentaly inhaling the powered drinks. The drink that I was unfortant enough to introduce to my lungs was a Crystal Lite Fruit Punch mix. From then on I wisely waited for the powder to settle before begining to mix. So just a word to the wise, never breath in your drinks.
This morning was my first morning of working breakfast. Which meant I had to get up at 5:30. Which actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting! It took a lot of work to actually get out of my bed, but once I was out, I was actually good to go!
This morning I ended up working a lot on drinks. (See above fiasco) We have those big drink things, you know, like the ones you see at the movie theaters and stuff that have the slushies in them and there is that big tube going down the middle and mixing all the time? Well, we have eight of them, four are filled with water and the other four with juice. I also discovered that when you put on the lid, it's a good idea to make sure that the lid is lined up, otherwise it will fall into the middle of the tank and you will have to fish it out. And of course, it will fall in the darkest juice on the counter.
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