First of all, may I say that I am always amazed at how fast time flies... It seemed like I updated just yesterday!
This has been a hard week. First, with saying goodbye to Daniel. Daniel is one of the guys who works on my dinning room team. While we're not saying goodbye forever, he is transferring departments, which means that he will no longer be there to make the dining room more fun...
So what did we do to celebrate his last day? Well.. We had a lot of fun!
For those of you who don't know, it a dining room tradition, that when someone is working their last day of work, they are sprayed with the hose. He knew that. We told him. His response? ''It's my last day, so I'm going to spray you!'' Which he did... point blank range. Needless to say, my doubts that he wasn't going to do it were... quenched. Or should I say drenched?
I then decided to get him back. While picking up utensils to wash, I notice one covered in yogurt. Perfect. With great deliberation, I wiped the yogurt on his arm. I was so focused on the yogurt, that I failed to notice what he was doing. With out flinching, he raised the running hose and sprayed me, once again, point blank.
To top off the morning, we then discovered a drain monster! There is a metal grate about the size of a dinner plate under the sink covering a drain and apparently, a drain monster! Daniel was the one to discover it. He drained the above sink, apparently, to the dislike of the monster, who then pro ceded to grumble and growl. Then he attempted to actually come out! Water came out of the drain and the grate rose and fell as he pushed against the tube, wishing to come out. Rachael though, knew what to do, quickly going to reception to write up a work form and alerting the drain monster's worst enemy! The plumber!
The dinner that night proceed much like that morning. We did run out of food, drinks, dishes, cups and silverware, but still managed to keep on running! Stressful, but we manged to get everyone fed and happy! The clean up time involved everyone getting sprayed at one point or another, a major water fight, a butter fight and a marmite tangle. For those of you who don't know what marmite is, it is a British thing, a yeast extract to be exact. And in my opinion, smells like black death. Which means, I then, or more exactly, my arms, smelled like black death.
So in the end, dining room is hard, stressful, rewarding, tiring, difficult, challenging, and sometimes, a whole lot of fun.
Not only did I have to say goodbye to a good worker, but tonight was the going away party of a good roommate. Kaylee will be going back home tommorrow. I'm sad to see her go, but I'm glad that she gets to start in this new chapter of her life, grad school! 4418 will not be the same without her. Her sense of humor that never ceases to amuse all of us. I will also say that I have never seen someone, especially an American, who can dance like an African the way she can! You go, Kaylee!
We celebrated her last night in the crew galley, door closed, music blaring, cake baking and a dozen girls dancing and singing along with the music. Things won't be the same with out her, but I know that she'll be happy. We'll miss you Kaylee, have fun on your new adventure!
Post Note:
For those of you who were courious, yes, Rachael did actually write 'We have a drain monster' on the work sheet.
Thanks for posting, Annie! I'm sure it was very difficult to turn people away. We are limited, but can pray for those who have needs that God, our unlimited One, will meet them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ways you are serving Him!
We are praying for you!