Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today is Tuesday. Those of us who have not already done BST are in class. I'm at the Ancorage cafe. I finished my italian soda and am now writing and looking out the window at the rain. It's so beautiful and peaceful, I wish I could capture this moment and save it forever.

It's strange to think that I'm leaving for the ship soon! I'm really excited, what a wonderful adventure this will be! But I know that I'm going to miss all my friends and family. A year. How can something seem so short and so long at the same time? It's hard to imagine, and in a way, it doesn't seem real. How could I possibly be going? It should be an amazing time of growing, physically, mentally and spiritually.
I know I'm going to be tested on this journey in many ways. It's so good to remember that no matter what happens, God will not give me anything that is too hard for me. I can rest in Him and know that I trust him.


  1. Sorry it has taken so long for me to visit your blog! It is wonderful to be able to hear your thoughts along this awesome journey. We pray the Lord will continue to protect you and provide all that you need! We love you!

    P.S. For some crazy reason, I can't see the words on your blog unless I highlight them. All I see is black except for the picture. I wonder why?

  2. Heya
    nice pic!

    yea a year is gonna be long for us and short for you! i cant waitto see you in a few weeks and i shall be praying for the weeks to come!
    love you lots!
