Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 179 or Ever Present Darkness

What is voodoo? Well, your opinion varies depending on what culture you live in.

If you've grown up in a western culture, then voodoo is something seldom talked about, and no one believes. It still lives there though, hidden under different, careful names, things such as Ouija boards, horoscopes and other such 'harmless' things. The western world turns a blind eye, claiming it doesn't exist, while gently feeding it in the shadows.

The differences between that and the the world of Africa is stunning. Voodoo is everywhere. A walk down the street and you see it. You see it in the pig, hooves bound till they seize up, thrown in the back alley. You see it in the string, tied around the baby's belly. It's the fear in some one's eyes when you pull out a camera. It's the deep, dark scars carved onto their faces, desperate rituals. It's in the masks that you see in the market. Smooth wood, some calm and peaceful, some leering, horrific and twisted. Their lives are controlled by that which they hate and fear.

When you can, pray for those who's lives are so deeply entwined and pray for us, as we try to reach and heal them.


  1. Annie, I think this is one of your most powerful posts on this blog! I know God is at work among you and your team there to shine His light into the darkness. I pray that He will continue to guide you, give you wisdom and compassion for the lost, and keep you safe. I pray that He will open the eyes of those enslaved by deception to the truth!

  2. Annie, this is the first time I've been to your blog. You're blessed with a talent for writing--and I mean a big talent. :) It's so cool you're keeping a journal about your travels, too. God bless you, your travels, and your writing.
